Published: March 14, 2024
Tags: Education
Empowering Communities: A Look into OSTTC


You may have heard of us at OSTTC…but what are we all about? As an Indigenous-owned training and post-secondary institute, we help to increase our students’ employability, while addressing local employers’ need for skilled workers. Since our inception in 2003 as a division under Grand River Employment and Training Inc. (GRETI), we’ve been dedicated to meeting the unique training needs of our community and take pride in offering culturally responsive and accessible programming that honours our traditions and values.


Who We Are:

At OSTTC, we are more than just an educational institution; we are a community-driven centre committed to empowering individuals through education and training. Our focus goes beyond academic achievement; we strive to create safe and inclusive learning environments that embrace Indigenous culture and ways of knowing.


What We Do:

Our mission is clear: to provide our students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the workforce or pursue higher education. We offer a wide range of high-quality programs tailored to address the unique barriers faced by many Indigenous individuals, ensuring that our graduates are equipped for success in the labour market.


How We Support Our Students:

We strongly believe in the importance of comprehensive support for our students throughout their educational journey. From conducting barrier and wellness checks before their program starts to maintaining regular check-ins and organizing diverse student wellness activities, we are committed to every student’s success and well-being. In fact, we even have a “Student Success” team that actively participates in classes, fostering positive relationships and engagement. We also maintain strong partnerships with community agencies to ensure seamless referrals and access to additional support services.

We don’t stop caring for our students after graduation. We follow up on our graduates' employment status and provide resources to help them navigate their careers and achieve their goals.


Educational Empowerment:

Preserving Indigenous culture is at the core of our educational philosophy at OSTTC. Through our land-based education approach, we aim to reconnect our students with their cultural heritage. We offer workshops, education, and training that encompass mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health, fostering a deeper connection to Indigenous traditions and ways of life.



We are proud to offer a diverse range of programs and short-term courses designed to enhance skills and employability. From Human Resources Essentials and Accounting Essentials to Residential Construction and GED preparation, we provide tailored education to meet the needs of our students. We also offer workshops in business fundamentals, entrepreneurship, cultural arts, outdoor adventure skills, and wellness to further enrich the educational experience and empower our students to reach their full potential.


Ready to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals? Reach out to our team at 519-445-1515.

We are here to help! That’s what it boils down to.

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